Our expert-written resources are available in digital and print formats suitable for working remotely or in the office. For specific product details, please contact our customer service division at [email protected].

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Your Commission:

Our commission rate is 10% on each sale and our cookie duration is 90 days. That means you get a commission on any purchase made within those 90 days from that same customer, even if that customer goes directly to our site. The cookie will still track that customer and credit you the sale.

The Tools for Success:

All tracking is done through our third-party online network, ShareaSale.com.  This network tracks sales, earnings, and commissions—giving affiliate partners easy access to our banners, text links and/or datafeeds. We also have several unique tools that allow our affiliate partners to better monetize their traffic such as http://www.BounceLinks.com. Contact us at [email protected] for more details and a full list of FREE tools.

Dedicated Management:

The LawCatalog.com affiliate program is managed by AffiliateManager.com—dedicated to assisting you in optimizing your website and your LawCatalog placements to receive the most traffic and the highest conversion, thus generating you the highest possible income.  Should you have any question about our affiliate partnership program, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Who is ALM?

ALM, an information and intelligence company, provides customers with critical news, data, analysis, marketing solutions and events to successfully manage the business of business. Lawcatalog.com is the ecommerce platform which sells ALM’s legal products including books, magazines, newspapers and more. In addition to LJP books, the following brands are sold on lawcatalog.com:

  • Corporate Counsel
  • The Legal Intelligencer
  • New York Law Journal Books
  • ALM Experts
  • Daily Business Review (FL)
  • LegalTech
  • Texas Lawyer
  • PA Law Weekly
  • ALM Intelligence
  • Daily Report (GA)
  • MA3000
  • And More

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